Dear Clients,

Axys Digital Marketing remains fully operational during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are dedicated to helping local businesses succeed in Escondido and San Diego County.

Free emergency help

COVID-19 has made this a new, uncharted world for all of us. We have to depend on each other more than ever. Axys Digital Marketing will donate free website update services for those business struggling and need to get information to their customers ASAP. We will also offer free digital marketing advice to those local businesses in need in Escondido and San Diego County until further notice.

Affordable digital marketing packages

I’ve been in the digital marketing industry for over 20 years. Our whole business model at Axys Digital Marketing is based around local small business startups, local b2b businesses, and small / medium sized business entrepreneurs focusing on products and services for our San Diego County residents. Our local business digital marketing packages are affordable plans that help your company get online visibility quickly so you can acquire customers. We will offer flexible payment plans for the duration of COVID-19 pandemic for all local digital marketing packaged plans. As you grow, we offer you more services that you need. As entrepreneurs, we were born to evolve and innovate to succeed. Some times are harder than others, but we can get through all this together.

You will succeed

We want win-win situations and we want you to succeed. In these uncertain times, we must come together as a community and help each other evolve to survive. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you succeed in these post-COVID times. Be safe, be strong, and innovate.


Allyson Seitzler,

President, Axys Digital Marketing

Escondido, San Diego County, California